Tuesday, October 7, 2008

my beloved "ompung"

Ompung is a batak word for grandparent. Ompung boru will be grandmother. Here she is with my youngest sister and my husband.

The 5 of us were at Plaza Senayan to take her new glassess. They're pretty glasses, aren't they? Yet still she said they didn't help her reading.
At the age of almost 88, she is a survivor. She has survived a lot of troubles in her life. Her husband death to cancer was one extra ordinary experience not only for her but also for us.
She complains a lot lately which it wasn't her previously. This past year, she had her downfall, she complains on her food, her chewing, her walking, her sleeping, her appetite, her operated eyes, her breathing, her life.
She said she is tired. She hates the life now where she almost can not do so many things.

I am sad for her. I felt pity but at the most of time I was angry at her. Because she wasn't like that before. She used to be enjoying life, but now she was bitching almost about anything, and always wanted to take control over anything also, and her complains made all of us who tried to serve her felt terrible and it was so bad.
At the end it was all bad feeling. My husband tried hard to remind me to control my emotion on her. Sadly I sometimes went pass through it, and I regret it.
Well,.. it is hard to realize that everybody will turn old someday. It is sad to see the declining quality of life of my ompung after a while. When we are old, it is frustating not be able to do anything we want. It's just crazy. Scary and weird.
She survived mostly due to her faith to dear God. She and all of us believe that God grant her super bless for her to be here today at this time. She fears God, and it is a wonderful thing to see in a grandmother. Not being able to read her Bible anymore I guess to be the reason why she acted all that way. Poor her.
I dont know how much longer she will survive this so I guess I will just be patient with her, as she is my favorite grandmother, and my closest grandparent ever. I love her so dearly, and surely will miss her when she is gone. I love you ompung.

pegawai negeri

Ada apa sih ya dengan pegawai negeri?

Kenapa sih ya citra mereka buruk sekali di mata masyarakat. Yet, people would kill to join the coprs. Aneh banget.

Kalau udah denger 'pegawai negeri' langsung yang ada dalam pikiran adalah: malas, ogah-ogahan melayani, maunya minta duit, datangnya siang, pulangnya sesukanya, kerja sekenanya aja, ngakunya gaji kecil tapi bisa naik haji sampai beberapa kali. Mengerikan sekali. Citranya identik dengan kelicikan, kecurangan dan kemalasan.

Kok bisa jadi gitu sih? Heran banget bisa sampai ke pencitraan seperti itu. Kalau pegawai negeri itu adalah suatu brand, maka sudah pasti udah dimatiin ama corporate, diganti brand baru. Brand baru bukan sekedar ganti judul, tapi operasi besar-besaran pada mutu produk.

Kalau saya tanya Ayah saya, beliau menjawab "Sederhana, kenapa mereka jadi begitu adalah karena gajinya kecil dan tidak ada pengawasan ketat".

Benar juga ya. Gaji pegawai negeri termasuk kecil dan terhitung tidak layak. Akan tetapi herannya mereka sanggup hidup which is membingungkan dapat dari mana? Dibilang uang haram kedengeran terlalu mengerikan, tapi pada kenyataannya emang gitu. Benar juga tidak ada pengawasan ketat dari atas. Baru-baru ini saja pegawai di DKI Jakarta agak lebih ketat diawasi.

Pelayanan masyarakat seharusnya jadi motivasi semua pegawai negeri karena itulah mereka. Kerja mereka memang untuk melayani masyarakat, yang rasa-rasanya gak kepikiran sama sekali sama mereka kelihatannya. Tapi yang ada mereka maunya dilayani, dihormati, disogok, dikasih tips yang besar, makin besar tips maka makin besar layanan, makin cepat layanan yang diberikan. Mengerikan.

Seharunya mereka merasakan kerja di corporate asing sebelum jadi pegawai negeri, supaya belajar rasanya ditindas dan diperas untuk memberikan hasil terbaik.

Karena yang menjadi pegawai negeri tentunya TIDAK BODOH dong, wong seleksinya amit amit susah banget, tapi kok kenyataannya agak-agak mengarah ke sana ya. Lihat saja jalanan masa sih mereka pada gak sekolah untuk mengerti komposisi jalanan yang sebenarnya untuk menghasilkan jalanan yang long lasting. Maunya cepet rusak supaya proyek ada lagi maka dapat uang lagi. Ah gila...

Pegawai negeri, gimana dong niih memperbaiki citranya?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Grumbles on Soeharto clan

I don't think I will find a person who lives on this earth who wouldn't want to be rich. Rich here not talking about rich in anything else but money.

I don't know the number of sales made by the bookstore on books about 'getting rich'. If you ever go to a book store, try to make a quick browse and you will find easily on books of 'getting rich'.

With money - you can't buy happiness, you can't buy sleep, you can't buy laughter, and yes I agree to that point, however like they said, can you buy anything without it? Ironic. Don't be materialistic! Nope, I dont think any of us want to be a materialistic, we just live in a materialistic world and if we want to survive we have to be materialistic somehow to a limit. Don't believe it? Do your own analyses! I am not writing about materialism today, I want to talk about rich people in my country Indonesia.

Literaly RICH, who owns so much yet by materialistic way. I would say, they are put into categories on how they become rich.

  1. People who are rich because their parents own a lot of pieces of land, and every time they sell one piece it will afford them to buy 300 houses.

  2. People who are rich by becoming as manufacturer. e.g. Started with small workshop of teak wood furniture turned into furniture exporter.

  3. People who are rich by being a functionary of government organization. Haha. They also posses 'authority' 'power' which made them felt so 'big'.

  4. People who produce anything that need by government organization, won the tender bidding by closed relationship with the number 3, and made himself and number 3 richer.

  5. People trades anything that produced by number 4 to his networking of number 3.

  6. People whose parents are number 3, 4 and 5.

I don't like the people who made their richness by doing so much dirty things and consider themselves rich by nature. You can see them a lot at malls in Jakarta these days. Addition to that they felt no connection to people who are not rich. They have their own socialite group, their own magazine taking their pictures on ridiculous glamour parties. It is bogus. Especially when they are using people's money. I am referring here to Soeharto clan.

It's weird to see them on magazines and TV. Why media kept doing that thing to them. Leave them a lone, let them live their own life and let no one interact with them. They think they are the best people on earth. Just look how they treat people. Tommy found to be the master mind of murderer of a judge, and yet the media treat him like a celebrity. Filthy.

Bambang and mayang, why they kept it. Mayang of course fall for him for his money, what else do you think she wanted to be in a war with halimah? hahahaha.. Sigit clan with the gambling blood running fast. Tutut hypocrite family. HEHEHE I let my self do all these grumbles, because I was just tired seeing people getting rich by being a .. whatever it is. Not by all working hard or working honestly. It is just a bad feeling when you see bad win over goodness.
Actually I am nothing to judge anyone. I dont have rights to judge anyone. so I guess my grumbles just stay grumbles, here on my personal blog :)

Day 1, MY trip

Flying with Citilink, first time outbond abroad with this airlines, quite an experience, okay one. Arrived at the airport, the train was bei...