Friday, September 20, 2019

Glass cups

Forgive me
If my words offends some of you.
But, let's think for a minute or two.

Just recently, I saw an office bought lits of glasses for drink, they said to replace plastic bottle / mineral water in plastic cups.

I was a bit stunned.

I asked, they simply didnt know and said the headquarter said so.

It got me thinking.

There is invention.
There is creativity.

Most of the time, invention created to solve problems.
I asked, so you think water in plastic cups is really bad for the environment??
if we use glass cups, do you know how much water we will spend on washing each of the glass??
Do you know the quality of water in this building? Of course you do, right? That they recycled it, and I'd said imperfectly, as the water I saw in the toilet is the same as at the tap water at the pantry next door to toilet.
Shigella, salmonella, e coli lately invading our surrounding. Thypoid most of the time not coming from the food, they were well cooked. But from the plates, utensils, that washed using non hygiene water/ cleaning system. Water in bottles/plastic cups relatively cleaner and more hygiene., more practical, safe energy and time of the office boy, if a day 50 people come to office and drink through that glass, the amount of time for the office boy cleaning the glasses, dry them up, bring all these glasses from pantry to office, arrange them into their cabinets. Energy and time to refill the water dispenser, incremental quantity of refilling it as people taking water from dispenser now.

I am not someone who object environment reservation, no.. not at all.
But, please think it through before you decide something in the sake of environment, or even when you talk!
Get to the essence of it.
I believe environmental problem due to population.
At the end, contraception plays its role!

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Suatu jaman dulu, tepatnya 18 Juli 2007, menurut catatan yang kutemukan, pernahlah kami bersama-sama mendengarkan Rhenald Kasali tentang Perubahan. Change.
Berikut catatanku yang kuingin ubah jadi digital :)

Self-destructive habits:
1. Denial (Disbelief the existence of reliability --> reality).
2. Arrogance (inflated sense of self, offensive and superiority).
3. Complacency (the sense of security).
4. Competency Dependence (the curse of incumbency).
5. Competitive myopia (nearsighted view of competition).
6. Territorial impulse (culture conflicts and turf wars).
7. Volume Obsession (raising cost and falling margins).

Habitual thinking (minimum thinking)
Maximum thinking --> INNOVATION

1. Konservatif (reluctant to change).
2. Memiliki aturan main sendiri (akibatnya gelombang tak sama).
3. Heritage culture (menjadi terlalu rigid, menutup mata pada hal-hal baru).

Nilai-nilai bawaan masa transisi:
- budaya ketakutan
- budaya menyangkal
- budaya kepentingan pribadi
- budaya mencela
- budaya tidak percaya
- budaya anomie

Hard core & Re-code
Membentuk tradisi vs Pembaharuan

so bebaskanlah diri dari belenggu masa lalu!

John Maxwell:
Perubahan : mulai dari diri sendiri, hal kecil, sedini mungkin.

Perubahan menurut mutasi DNA
O : Opennes to experience
C : Conscienciousness
E : Extrovertness
A : Agreeableness
N : Neuroticism

Tips to harmonize cultural conflicts:
1. Be open mind
2. Be disciplined
3. Admit it
4. Samakan gelombang, to be creative not reactive!

Great Leader Requirements:
- innovatice
- risk taking
- appetite for talent
- helicopter view
- sparkle factor

Joice 4.0

Di tengah maraknya industri 4.0, pas sekali saatnya saya punya versi baru, Joice versi 4.0.
Baru baru ini aku merayakan ulang tahun ke 40. Umur yang entah kenapa sangat aku takutkan. Entah kenapa. Kayanya seram, tua, gak gaya lagi, ketinggalan jaman, entah lah macam-macam pikirannya.

Tapi saat terlalu begitu stressnya, lalu mulai lah lihat lihat orang yang berusia 40 dan menurutku asik asik aja, keren aja, gak tua, dan seterusnya. Dan aku pun jadi semangat :)

Day 1, MY trip

Flying with Citilink, first time outbond abroad with this airlines, quite an experience, okay one. Arrived at the airport, the train was bei...