Saturday, February 23, 2013

2D play - good or bad? do you think

Since so many people advising me not to let my daughter play with technology screen in early age, I thought I just go with it. Especially when someone came to me with the article of brain development that children playing with cubes block have higher brain development than children playing blocks in iPad. Quite surprising that time I thought as usually when kid playing with technology with screen they were considered as "smart" and so. Then I decided not to let her play with it till certain age. Interesting that she also not so much attached to TV even though sometimes I tried very hard to make her watch the TV so I can do something else hehehe. Nope, didn't work that time.

Thus we provide her with many 3D (real 3D) toys. If there is any different in her brain? ShARKS!! How do I know? Hahahaha.. Anyway, I like when she was active moving around, running here and there compared to sitting and just watching TV.

However, interestingly, somehow it revolved. Since we stayed in Singapore, somehow she developed her love for TV. I was quite worried that time, afraid that she would hooked up to TV all the time. Surprisingly, not really.

1. She loves certain programs, and dislike some others. Interesting. Somehow program that I think that she would not like (because I don't like the program), turned out to be one of her favorite. For example : Dora (I have enough of Dora when my little cousin were younger), Teletubbies (arghhhhh I hate those walking dolls).

2. My brother in law told me once that the program of cebeebies and baby tv were actually producing programs based on research, and when I really watched it, I can tell it's quite true. Amazingly, strangely, we never taught her to count! She one day came and say: one.... two... three.... por... feevvv... ss (she doesn't know how to pronounce) .. ten! We were shocked!!! Yesterday even more scary I think, we were watching TV and on screen therre was a fish and she called our attention and pointed at screen fish and say : fiiiisssssshhhh... Jaw dropped.

3. She only let herself maximum of 20 minutes in front of TV and then will try to find activity to be involved with, such as, bugging us in the kitchen when we are cooking, take all the laundry off the basket to the floor when we are about to do our laundry.

4. She played with my mom tablet not because she wanted to play with it, she was copying us doing it. Hah.. Which I thought when she wanted to play with other pad / tablets, she wanted it, the fact was because people playing with it, she wanted to know what was it and that was it. When we let her play with tab, she didn't stay long also, only 3 minutes maximum, left it afterwards. Ayaiya.. Unless I played the dance song video for kid, then she will put her attention.

5. She enjoyed the dance and singing on TV programs. She would dance accordingly, eh, guess what? Doing Yoga also included! Anyway for laptops, I laughed every time she put her position in front of laptop and acts like me when I work on my laptop..

6. When we do skype, firstly it was not easy to get her attention. But now, when we pull he to front of laptop and say skype, she will say: aju.. aju.. (the person we usually have skype with). Then whenever we say done, she will close the laptop no matter we actully already say godbye or not, or if my hands still on the keyboards or not, tsk tsk tsk....

I don't know it is good or not then. You think?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

putting on clothes

Silently, she tried to put on her clothes by herself. Everything with hole in it will be pulled in through her head by her. Of course sometimes it made to the neck, but sometimes it does not. Sometimes because she got into the wrong hole, or, it wasn't at all to be wore from the top ;)

 This one below : during time preparing her bath, she tried to wear her shirt again, too bad she felt it was too tight to go through her head (not to mention it was the other side around)

 this thing supposedly a pampers, pull up pampers dear... not a head on pampers ;p

These are the most recent one, just this afternoon. 
I was going to do laundry, she pulled her swimwear and put it on, of course wrong hole in wrong way

because I was laughing and grabbed my blackberry to take picture of her, she thought she did the right thing and proud of it :p

Finally she realized I was laughing at her mistake. I took it out, but she took it back and just laid it on her head.. ahhh...


aiyaahhh.. dalam hidup gw buanyaknya luar biasa deh kejadian kejadian terkait yang kelihatannya kebetulan banget. Seredipity. Happy accidents / pleasant suprise. Anyway, gw bukan termasuk orang yang percaya sama kebetulan sih sebenernya, jadi gw percaya kagak ada yang namanya kebetulan, pasti ada sebab, tujuan, entah buat pihak yang mana.

 Seperti yang baru-baru ini terjadi. Suatu hari, gw, nyokap, adek gw n istrinya, plus baby gw tercinta, little queen, makan mie enak di vivo city. Pas saat itu adek gw yang cewe ma suaminya lagi ke Kuala Lumpur. Setelah selesai makan, kita kenyang dan capek banget, apalagi habis jalan seharian. Jadi kita memutuskan buat naik taxi aja deh pulangnya.

Buat orang yang gak biasa ada di daerah vivocity menjelang natalan, just for your info: ngantri taxinya bisa sangat sangat menjengkelkan!! Jadilah kami mengantri dengan sangat kesal. Gw berusaha booking taxi, susah bener gak dapet dapet.

Saat mengantri, gak berapa jauh dari kami, mengantri juga seorang bapak bule dengan bayi nya di strollernya yang bagus banget (gw suka banget strollernya). Dari penampakan bayinya, gw bisa nebak ibunya pasti orang asia. Soalnya bayi cantik itu matanya sipit tapi rambutnya coklat keemasan, matanya coklat muda, kulitnya bule banget. Kayanya sih ibunya lagi masih shopping di giant dalam mall. Sambil ngantri, my little queen dah kepanasan, secara tempat nunggu taxi di vivo city termasuk salah satu tempat ngantri taxi yang paling menyebalkan seantero singapore (menurut gw). Jadi kita nyalain deh kipasnya yang kepasang di strollernya. Sambil tetep meneruskan ngantri.

Kaget juga ibu-ibu di depan si bapak bule ternyata ibu-ibu Indonesia juga. Mereka langsung berceloteh sok akrab dengan sang bapak, dan sibuk bilang mengomentari betapa lucunya bayinya. Komentar  mereka lucu-lucu sih, tapi lama-lama gw enek juga dengernya, norak and lebay. Gw juga bisa liat si bapak dari gayanya menjawab cuma berusaha "being nice" hihihihi.

Tau-tau orang di depan gw memutuskan berhenti megantri, menyerah. Sehingga gw jadi lebih deket ke si bapak n bayi bule itu. Ibu-ibu itu masih sibuk sok sok ngajakin si bule ngobrol. Yang lucu, tiba-tiba si bapak bule ngeliat my queen, dan kayanya menemukan 'eureka' moment. Langsung datengin si ratu kecil dan nanya "I always want to get one of this. It's very useful, especially in time like this?" Sambil nunjuk kipasnya theresia n ngajakin gw ngobrol. Berani juga ni bapak, gw pikir, padahal muka gw sepet banget abis negor orang melayu motong antrian gw :p

Jadilah gw senyum dan ngejawab. Trus dia nanya di mana belinya, dan berapaan beli waktu itu. Gw yakin tu bapak pengen melarikan diri dari gangguan kecentilan ibu-ibu di depannya, huahahaha.. Gw kasian juga, jadi gw ladenin deh. Trus si bule nanyain nama anak gw, and gw nanyain nama si cantik bule itu, namanya coco ternyata. Dan si bule dengan semangatnya muter strollernya ngadep ke belakang, supaya bisa menghadap my little queen, supaya mereka bisa liat-liatan. Tumben anak gw yang biasanya ramah sama orang, kali ini (kayanya karena dah kesel juga nunggu lama banget) cuma senyum lemes aja ke si coco yang kepanasan dan gelisah. Ngobrol basa basi bentar, si ibu pun akhirnya muncul, dan somehow mereka memutuskan gak ngantri, naik taxi yang gede (yang ngecharge SGD 50). Sambil ber bye ria ke rombongan kami, pergilah mereka. Oiya, gak berbye ke si ibu ibu itu hahaha.

Lalu kemudian.. selang hampir seminggu kemudian, kami berlibur ke Singapore Zoo sama adek gw n suaminya, nyokap gw n my baby girl. Kebetulan hari kerja, jadi kita memang ngarepin zoo gak terlalu penuh. Lagi sibuk jalan sana jalan sini, pas di daerah orangutan yang pada bergelantungan, deket shownya gajah, gw ngeliat si coco lagi di strollernya sama orangtuanya. Hehehe, langsung gw samperin and "Hi coco!", ... bagi gw, ketemu orang gak sengaja gini dah sering banget, sehingga gw ngerasa biasa aja, tapi kayanya gak demikian dengan ortu nya si coco, mereka kaget seneng  buanget, dan tertawa-tawa kesenengan menyapa si little queen, membiarkan coco dan little queen ber hai hai ria.. Lalu gw pun mengajak rombongan gw melanjutkan perjalanan, tanpa banyak tanya ini itu ke mereka, sementara mereka masih surprised happy mukanya, dan kami pun berlalu :d

Menyenangkan, dan pastinya tak terlupakan :)

trakdot | bagi info

Kata websitenya Trakdot website , 26 juta koper hilang di Amerika setiap tahunnya, memberi perusahaan mereka ide untuk melacak koper orang.
 Menarik sekali kemudian mereka menciptakan benda yang namanya Trakdot.

  Baca review tentang benda ini bikin gw jadi penasaran dengan tracking lugage.
Ternyata teknologi ngurusin bagasi di airport itu dah maju banget ya. 
Tapi gak usah ngomongin Indonesia kali ya.
Negara gw tercinta ketinggalan berapa puluh tahun sama negara lain apalagi yang sudah maju.

Airport / bandara dan perusahaan penerbangan banyak yang menggunakan "bar code" 
Setiap koper dikasih label yang ada bar code nya buat discan dan diketahui semua informasi tentang si empunya (maksudnya yang terkait dengan perjalanannya).

Adalagi yang pakai RFID Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Teknologi yang banyak dipakai di banyak hal. Termasuk di barang bagasi penerbangan. Yang menarik, airport di Las Vegas dan Hong Kong termasuk yang pertama di dunia mengimplementasi cara ini.

Cara lain ya pakai GPS tracking. Tentunya ini mahal lah ya dibanding dengan bar code biasa. 
Yang menarik dari trakdot, mereka pakai cara baru. Pakai model HP caranya. HP maksud gw handphone. Alat itu akan ngasih sinyal kaya handphone, jadi kita bisa tracking pakai pc buat ngeliatnya atau pakai smarphone. Yang hebat, alat ini diperkirakan harganya sekitar US $62 an. Untuk aktivasinya sekitar US $9, dan biaya tahunannya US $ 13. Cukup terjangkau buat yang kopernya memang sangat berharga. Pantas deh pakai alat ini.

Pertanyaan gw sebagai warga negara Indonesia, yang kebanyakan terbang domestik, apa kepake ya? Hehehehe.. bukan menuduh sih. Tapi kenyataannya barang di Indonesia kalau hilang ya hilang aja. Syukurnya gw sih belon pernah ngalamin kehilangan koper gw sendiri seumur hidup gw.
Well, pernah sih sekali, tahun 1995, itu pun koper ditemukan saat itu juga. Jadinya gak sempet jadi tragedi. Tapi orang kantor gw pernah kehilangan pas kita lagi berangkat bareng. Nyesek juga sih , karena yang dibawa adalah oleh-olehnya untuk keluarganya. 

Yang parahnya adalah, perusahaan penerbangan tidak dapat hukuman yang setimpal kalau barang penumpangnya hilang. Tidak seperti perusahaan penerbangan internasional di mana mereka bisa menghabiskan uang sampai dengan US $100 per koper kalau hilang. Bahkan lebih. Sehingga memperlakukan bagasi dengan perhatian. 
Kalau di Indonesia juga demikian, baru deh pada mikir, daripada bangkrut karena koper yang hilang / rusak, mendingan mengimplementasi alat pelacak.

Khayalan gw:
Takutnya kalau ditanya ke orang airport "wah gak ada pak".
"Ini kata trakdot saya di sini nih barang saya, di belakang bapak kali"
"Gak ada tuh pak. Salah kali alat bapak itu."
Then, what can we do, kalau dah gitu? Hahahaha

Nah kalau di Indonesia, udah kopernya hilang, ni barang seharga kira-kira 500 ribu rupiah bakalan ilang juga dong.. ahh rugi tambah gede hahahaha...

Tapiiiiiii mengingat ni perusahaan, idenya keren juga dibanding dengan yang sudah ada.
Gw memberanikan diri untuk mengemail juga.
Idenya adalah, mereka sudah berhasil menciptakan benda kecil untuk tracking dengan harga yang relatif murah lah. Nah, gimana kalau mereka ngebuat benda seperti itu, untuk nge-track anak kecil. 
Dibuat kaya gelang gitu, satu buat anak kecilnya, satunya buat orang tuanya. Lalu kalau anak itu menjauh lebih dari 2 atau 3 meter dari orang tuanya, gelang di tangan orang tua bergetar / bunyi / bersiul, memberi tanda ke orang tuanya untuk segera waspada.
Gelang di anak juga jadi bergetar supaya anak juga nyadar dia dah jauh dari orang tuanya.
Hehehehe.. secara gw adalah orang tua yang  kadang suka terpesona juga ngeliat etalase padahal anaknya lagi lari-lari. Gw rasa bia nyelamatin banyak anak dari kecelakaan yang gak perlu, kehilangan, bahkan penculikan. 
Gw dah coba email ke perusahaan si pembuat. Semoga segera dibuat, dan dipasarkan. 
Gw jamin deh, laku berat...

mom, please stop blogging..

I was so busy enjoying my Saturday, busy on my blogs. Something that I hadn't touch for some time. Something that actually can be very refreshing for me. So, I was so into it. For hours. My baby was busy watching the tv and played with her toys. The she decided she wanted my attention.
She came to me, asked me to put her onto my lap.

I agreed, I put her on my laptop while working on the dining table on my laptop, working on my blogs.
She must be tired of me having to scold her if she touched my keyboard, so she was just watching me typing and typing, and laid her head to my chest. And sudeny her head fell a bit to the side, and I saw her fell sleeping! I put her to he bed and let her sleep well.

Still not learned my lesson. This morning, I came back to my laptop and continuing working on the blogs. Of course she already took a bath, had breakfast, had milk, had her toys around her.
She played with her toys and watched ceebebies. Sometimes she came to me to see what I was working on. Then while I was so busy typing, I didn't realize, she pulled the other chair, climbing very hard (because for sure it's taller - a lot - than her) by herself and then sat on it - all without me realizing it, and then watched me. After few seconds, then I just realized, what a mom I am. :p

So, time to say good bye to blogs, see you in I don't know when, I think I have to attend my daughter's invitation for now :) Looking at her way of looking at me.

copy cat

Umurnya 1,5 tahun bulan lalu. Persis deh 18 bulan. Gayanya banyak bener. Seperti layakanya seluruh anak bayi di dunia, ada aja yang menarik dari setiap masa pertumbuhannya. Yang pasti berubah-ubah nya cepet banget. Bikin kita yang ngeliat kaget-kaget. Gw yang liat tiap hari aja kaget kaget gimana yang jarang ketemu dia hehehe..

Yang paling serem menurut gw adalah tingkahnya yang rajin banget meng "copy". Aduh serem banget.

Banyak banget dari karakter / tingkah laku gw yang menurut gw sebaiknya enggak ditiru sama dia. Apa daya, beberapa sudah mulai kelihatan tercopy dengan baik.

Aih, malu sih gw mengakui, anak gw kadang suka menjerit dan itu dari gw atau dari mana ya? Gw ga ngerti. Sampai suatu saat waktu lagi di tempat bermain indoor biasa dia main, ada anak anak lebih besar dari dia menjerit, anak gw nengok n langsung menjerit juga. Then gw legaan, kayanya gara gara anak anak lain suk amenjerit makanya dia menjerit. (Denial booo hahahaha)

Gw tergelak pas dia menyuarakan ngorok lembutnya orang yang lagi tidur, sambil pura-pura tidur.. Gak pernah diajarin, tapi sering banget denger kali yee. (Gw atau nyokap gw? alamak....)

Anyway, yang lagi jadi highlight kebengongan gw recently adalah dia niruin gw jadi maminya!
Gw lagi sibuk ngerjain kerja gw di laptop meja makan, pas sayup sayup gw denger dia ngomong "mami.. mami.. mami.." gw langsung ngeliat ke dia yang lagi sibuk ma bonekanya pooh kecil, oh my god.. dia lagi niruin gw!
"iya.. duduk..duduk,. duduk" dan pooh pun didudukkan

"he eh.. he eh..." pooh dipeluk dan dielus elus..

"oo.. num num num " lalu botol dotnya diminumin ke si pooh kecil... lalu pooh dipeluk dan dia pun berbaring samping pooh

aayai yay.. gw aseli kebengongan, dan senyum sendiri. Gak nyangka sih anak 1,5 tahun dah bisa ngecopy jadi emak emak ke bonekanya... copy lainnya gw bisa ngertiin tapi roleplaying as a mom surprised me :)

Tapi above all, I am so happy, I think she understands well that I love her so much :p

Saturday, February 16, 2013

yap. Another mother and care Indonesian blog. Accept it!

Yes. I say it loud and proud : Accept it! --> For people who thinks that another blog in mother and baby world is just too many.

After awhile reading too many blogs around new type of generation in Indonesia, the middle class generation, I had enough. Not because their writings are bad or anything, NOT AT ALL! Actually, some really helped me a lot dealing as a new mother. I am sure they had helped a lot of people. Thus, why another mother care blog? I want to have my own saying. I want to voice out also. No no no no, I am not as good as those emak mummy mom  bunda mam bloggers, I am just a regular person, whose blogs not really read by too many people ;) Anyhow, I just want to share my thinking through blog because I like writing.

Like everybody, I want to talk about my children also. I want to talk also about feeding bottles, about breastfeeding, about baby diapers, about baby food, about strollers, hey,.. now I got my opinion also on these stuff. Honestlly, I found some opinion a little bit upstream, sorry to say, so, I really would like to voice it out.

I had 2 children. I lost my first one the day he was born. Sad story. Too many times I tried to write about him and the grief, just could not. Until recently I came across my long time friend who experienced lost a son too. Then I really think I'd write about it. Becasue every once in while, every now and then, I think of him.

Another child, a funny smart girl, which I think she outsmart me already, gives me another joyful ride as a mother. I cannot be like those mums in the blog adoring her kid 24/7 non stop. No, I got my roller coaster moments with her. Up and down. She got me to feel up and down up to this moment. and loving every seconds of the ride...

tukang taxi yg baik

Kebanyakan Taxi di Singapur kan termasuk orang yang tidak ramah. Kalau istilah Indonesianya mah, tengil. Mau mulai dari mana cerita ketengilannya? Mulai dari awal deh, baru mau masuk taxi aja, belon tentu semua taxi mau jalan conggg. Kadang karena mereka mau ganti shift atau mau istirahat, nanya dulu, mau ke mana, kalau gak searah ya udah cabut langsung dia. Ada juga yang ngaco, jam peak hours maunya di daerah dowtown doang, alahh, rese deh.

Yang bikin sebel nyeritainnya adalah karena taxi tuh barang langka di Singapur, ngantri buat nyari taxi itu menyebalkan, lama dan panas. Belon pernah gw nemuin tempat ngantri taxi yang nyaman, semua yang pernah gw singgahin gak ada yang asik. Walaupun dah nelpon and booking, tetep butuh waktu lumayan lama. Rasa gw sih ya, lebih parah daripada nunggu taxi di daerah Sudirman Jakarta jam 6an sore.

Berikutnya, jarang amet yang mau ngucapin, Good morning, Hello, Hi, atau apaan lah. Langsung aja deh mau ke mana, lewat mana, udah deh. Oiya, jarang banget pula mereka mau bantuin kita masukin barang ke bagasi. Kalau gw ma nyokap gw n bayi gw tergopoh gopoh banget ngangkutin segala stroller, belanjaan oversize, dan lainnya, baru deh agak tergerak gebantuin.

Anyway, terlepas dari banyaknya pengalaman macam begitu, tapi beberapa kali gw ketemu tukang taxi yang baik. Emang bener ya, kebaikan itu selalu berbekas lama di hati :) Dan sangking jarangnya, of course gw ga susah mengingat kapan aja kejadiannya :) Tapi kisah yang satu ini, top markotop, and number one in my list.

Suatu hari gw n nyokap belanja di Giant, trus mulai deh ke tempat antrian taxi. Ternyata udah ada taxi ngantri, pengemudinya keliatan anak muda, berpenampilan menarik, tinggi pula. Sedang megang buku tebel banget di hadapan setirnya. Begitu melihat kami approaching, langsung dia letakkan bukunya di dashboard, keluar dari taxi, bukain pintu buat nyokap gw yg lagi ngegendong bayi gw, lalu ngebantuin gw masukin barang ke bagasi. Astaga, kita kaget banget dengan tingkah sigapnya itu. Belon lagi sapaannya, Hello, are you okay with everything? Lalu mulai mengemudi setelah tau tujuan kami. Setelah make sure semua baik-baik aja (ac, kursi, nyetir), dia konsen nyetir. Pas di lampu merah, dia l ceritangsung meraih bukunya, dan melanjutkan baca. Bukan fiksi lho, bukunya buku textbook bisnis. Gw ngintip soalnya, karena gw pikir tadinya dia lagi seru baca buku cerita apaan sih sampai segitunya. Ternyata salah euy gw hehe.
Sesampainya di tempat kami, gw mau ngebayar pakai kartu berhubung cash gw ga banyak, eh dia bilang mesin dia tadi agak bermasalah, jadi cash aja. Gw panik, karena gw ga yakin cash gw cukup. Bener kan, gak cukup, ampe gw ngeluarin semua koin gw dari kantongan ke tangannya dia, masih kurang juga. Dia cuma sneyum, gak papa, gak papa. Gw panik, gw bilang enggak lah, gw aja tadinya mau nge tip karena elo baik banget, dia cuma senyum, oke, gw sekarang kasih discount deh, jadi udah lah gak papa, segini aja oke. Alamakkkk... bayangkan perasaannya gw! Gak enak bangeeeeeeettt... abisannya gw bener beneran berdoa buat tu orang. God bless him.

Door narrows for foreign workers in Singapore - Indonesia dong ambil kesempatan!

Bosen juga hampir tiap hari di koran lokal isinya tentang pengurangan tenaga kerja asing di Singapur. Somehow mereka ngerasa terancam dengan adanya pekerja asing di singapur ini.

Agak aneh juga emang, banyak pro dan kontra di sekitarnya. Tapi kalau gw bilang sih ya, secara mulai banyak perusahaan asing yang kebanyakan berkantor Regional di Singapur mulai mikir untuk hengkang dari Singapur.

Mmmhhh dulu regional office tuh adanya di HongKong, sejak China keseringannya dianggap region sendiri, di banyak perusahaan multi nasional, sangking besarnya China, jadinya Singapura jadi tempat yang strategis.

Kalau protas protes melulu kaya gini sih emang bisa dimengerti banget banyak perusahaan mikir 2 kali.

Kalau gw jadi bosnya Indonesia, ini kesempatan besar! Indonesia harusnya segera menawarkan ke dunia, sebagai tempat yang oke dan kondusif untuk jadi pusat Regional office nya perusahaan multi nasional.

Kenapa enggak?
Secara lokasi, mah dah cucok lah, singapura ma jakarta bedanya apaan sih, gak signifikan.
Trus penerbangan, ke mana mana ada kok.
Infra structure, banyak kok kantor bagus bagus, lebih bagus dari singapur malahan.
Udah gitu, dikaitkan dnegan kemungkinan mereka buka manufacture di indonesia juga kan gede dengan lahan nya indonesia yang LUAR biasa gitu lhoooo.. apalagi tenaga kerjanya upahnya bersaing (A.K.A murah)

Ah Indonesia, payah. Harusnya saat ini ambil kesempatan. Bayangkan perekonomian yang bakalan bergeser dari Singapur ke Indonesia. Bayangkan perputaran uang yang akan datang ke Indonesia. Menambah perekonomian di Indonesia di banyak sektor tuh bakalan..

Hahhhhh... kok gak pada gerak sih nih bos bos nya Indonesia? Kasih insentif lah kepada kantor regional yang buka mulai tahun depan sampai 5 tahun mendatang, bisanya tax insentif sangat memukau. Mmmhhh... sayang banget ya....

sekolah gw tercinta di amerika

ah, pengalaman hidup yang menyenangkan dan takkan terlupakan seumur hidup gw tentunya.

Mimpi gw dari sejak gw kecil, well sejak SMP kali ya, pengen sekolah di luar negeri, gak sembarang luar negeri, pengennya di Amerika. Jelas dan mantap. Sayangnya namanya juga anak di bawah tempurung, kagak ngerti kalau sekolah di luar negeri itu mahal. Jadi waktu minta disekolahin ke luar negeri, cuma dijawab, pokoknya enggak sekarang yaaaa....

Then one day, bokap gw tercinta, mengeluarkan pengumuman kalau nilai gw bagus semester itu, gw boleh melirik keadaan di Amerika. Meaning, kalau gw rangking 1, boleh deh dikirim ke Amerika menjenguk saudara sepupu gw yg lumayan dah agak lama menetap di sana. Thanks God, dikasih euy. Makin ngejenguk, makin jatuh cinta lah ya sama sekolah di Amerika. There is something that I cannot really explain. It was just a great feeling imagining it. Hampir gw ga mau pulang dari Amerika, sangking naksirnya ma Amerika. Sampai-sampai bolos beberapa minggu setelah sekolah dah mulai. Cita-cita tetap cita-cita.

Sayangnya tiba-tiba krisis ekonomi gila-gilaan, dollar amerika yang tadinya pas gw visitasi pertama itu cuma gak nyampe 2000 per dollar, tiba tiba jadi 16 ribu. Hueks dah. Bokap dengan manisnya bilang, kamu sekolah dulu lah yang baik di Indonesia, S1 yang baik, entar S2 nya aja ke Amerika. Oke?

:) Dulu sih gak pernah ngerti kalau bokap n nyokap menabung demikian rupa, ikut asuransi pendidikan supaya ni anak pemimpi bisa sekolah ke Amerika hehehe.

Pucuk dicinta ulam tiba, setelah selesai S1, selesai juga sekolah keprofesian, angkat sumpah, dan mulai kerja. Mulai deh bokap bertanya dengan detail, "what is it you want to pursue?". Then my school hunting begun. FUN. Amazing how God led all the way to whatever it was.

Long story, there were my advisor, Bu Tri, Bu Yulia, both affecting my life so much. Mereka lah yang mengarahkan gw untuk dapat menentukan pilihan gw, bahkan bu Yulia memanfaatkan koneksinya untuk ngebantuin gw caranya nyari sekolah di Amerika. Berhubung yang gw mau sangat spesifik dan sedikit sekali sekolah yang punya jurusan yang gw suka.

Sambil jalan urusan milih sekolah, jalan juga nyiapin semua dokumen buat ngedaftar. Termasuk les TOEFL sama les GRE. Yang sangat susah nyari les GRE, secara di Indonesia kebanyakan orang maunya sekolah MBA, jadinya GMAT yg banyak banget isinya. Usaha yang luar biasa yang jelas jelas kalau bukan Tuhan yang berkehendak, kayanya gak mungkin deh dapet. Serunya, dapet temen notabene jadi salah satu sahabat gw sampai sekarang. Tes tes harus dilewatin, menerjemahkan semua dokumen, belon lagi buat essay, dan minta rekomendasi dari dosen. Wuah, mendatangi satu satu dosen yang gw kira kira mau nulis bagus tentang gw hihihihihi. Akhirnya mendaftar lah gw ke : University of Mississipi, Long Island University, dan St John University. 2 terakhir itu adanya di New York, sementara yang pertama ya adanya di Mississipi. Kenapa gw pengen banget ke pilihan pertama gw itu karena si Mickey Smith, dewa nya pharmaceutical marketing, ngajar di situ. Oya, biarpun ada Harvard, MIT, New York University, gak gentar gw, bukannya gw kalau daftar belum tentu gak diterima ya, tapi mereka kagak punya farmasi! Hahahahahaha - Just Kidding...
Sambil menikmati dunia kerja gw, dan dunia sosialisasi gw, (tiap abis kerja keluyuran kalao gak sama sahabat gw, sama sepupu sepupu gw yg juga baru mulai kerja), gak kerasa lewat beberapa waktu, sampai surat penolakan yang pertama dateng. University of Mississipi memberi surat penolakan yang panjang kali lebar, termasuk kurangnya pengalaman kerja gw yg katanya jadi hurdle. Bete dan sedih. Serem juga mengingat, andalan sekarang tinggal sekolah yang di new york, di mana profesor2 yang jadi tempat gw konsultasi dulu sangat nakut nakutin akan biaya dan kerasnya tu kota.

Dua-duanya terima gw. :) Bener-bener murni kerjanya Tuhan deh. Gw bengong juga pas terima surat penerimaan. Bareng ma bokap, milih milah milih milah milih milah milih, ngitang ngitung ngitang ngitung, kita putusin milih Long Island University. Dan registrasi ulang pun berlanjut hingga sekolah mulai.

Cinta banget liat kampus tua nya sekolah gw. Kampus gw bukan pusatnya, sekolah gw pusatnya di Brookville, Long Island beneran. Yang guede banget kaya kampus gw di depok lah. Nah yang kalau farmasi tapinya di kampus yang di Brooklyn. Downtown Brooklyn tempatnya, sepelemparan batu dari Manhattan. Jatuh cinta deh pokoknya ma kampus gw. Belon lagi persis di depan dorm gw, gedung untuk pagelaran dance sekalian jadi studio nya anak jurusan dance. Belon lagi gw bisa make piano di ruangan jurusan musik, piano pada di taro di ruang ruang kecil kedap suara. Dorm gw juga keren banget, penuh juga dengan anak anak yang baru kuliah, gw serasa muda lagi hahahaha. Cinta lah gw sama kampus gw.

Tambah cinta pas sekolah dah mulai. Ruang kelasnya canggih abis. Dosennya pada keren keren abis, ya iyalah mereka kan pada praktisi beneran, pusat farmasi di amerika kan di new york dan new jersey, gile juga Tuhan punya plan. Gw jadi mensyukuri gak diterima di Mississippi itu. Ternyata, what God had in store was even better :p. Berhubung Tuhan bermurah hati ma gw waktu gw tebak tebak berhadiah ngisi GRE gw (terutama bagian : words - gilaaaaa dehhh), dan lainnya, gw ga usah matrikulasi, ah senangnya, hemat biaya cuy.

Bokap dah bilang, kalau bisa setelah 1 semester atau 1 tahun cari kerja supaya bisa ngebantuin biaya sekolahnya yang gila gilaan mahalnya, waktu itu seharga rumah yang dijual di sebelah rumah kami di Jakarta. Semester pertama konsentrasi penuh ya, nasihatnya. Siipp.. Secara dah cita cita ya, seneng lah belajar, hahahaha. Sampai pas pas akhir semester pertama, lagi iseng ke kantor mau ambil pilihak kelas untuk smeester berikutnya, sang sekretaris yang baik hati nanyain, "gak ikutan ngelamar jadi asisten dosen?" sambil menunjuk antrian panjang orang di depannya. Setengah gak ngerti, dijelasin lah sama dia, trus dia bilang, kalau nilai kamu bagus, kamu boleh daftar, bentar gw liatin nilai lo. Dan dia pun mengecek nilai gw (yg gw sendiri belon dapet kesemua nilai gw). "Hey, you're doing so great! Apply! Here is the application!" dan dia kasih gw form nya.

Deg deg an. Waktu ditelpon disuruh wawancara. Lolos 2 tahap sudah. Nah lho yg ngewawancarain dosen dosen muka galak pula, alamak... Ditanyain A sampai Z, sampai cita-cita segala. Ehhhhhhhhhhhhh pada baek, gw dilolosin, masuk ujian praktek (dites kemampuan komputer), fiuhhhhhh akhirnya dapet. Bentar, emangnya dapet apaan ya kalau kerja jadi asisten dosen?

US$ 25,000 uang sekolah gw, dibebaskan! Kagak bayar uang sekolah, uang daftar ulang, uang uangan dah. Masih lagi gw dikasih uang tiap bulan $ 500! Gila cuyyyyy... Langsung telpon bokap, sambil teriak teriak kegirangan sambil kaget kaget. :D

Satu semester kerja jadi asisten dosen, tambah cinta ma sekolah gw. Menyenangkan sekali ternyata jadi dosen. Belajar terus, meneliti terus, nambah ilmu terus, dan ngebagiin ilmu. Seru ah. One time yang berbekas adalah, saat Bos kepala kantor gw tanya, kok bisa gw milih LIU jadi kampus gw, dan cerita pun mengalir. Gila bener bangga bener gw, saat dia angkat telpon, nelpon Mickey Smith dan bilang "Hi Micky? How are you? Lunch time, right? Remember last time at the congress, I told you about our TA here? One of them, Joice, katanya waktu itu nge aplly ke tempat kamu! .... ya.. and kamu nolak dia, she received rejection letter. .... Thank you! Hahahaha.. Seriously, I thank you, sekarang dia kerja sama aku, wow menyenangkan sekali of having her here! Bangga gw sama dia... bla bla bla "
Itu kali yang namanya Tuhan lagi sayang banget ma gw ya, kaya disirem aer dingin :p

Sampai akhir masa sekolah pun, semua menyenangkan sekali, walaupun gw milih thesis daripada ujian komprehensif tertulis doang, which is tentu aja beda banget perjuangannya! Tapi gw ga nyesel sama sekali, nyenengin banget. Too bad it had to end. Tapi memorinya mah, unperishable. Never. Pengalaman hidup hampir 3 tahun di sana, mengubah gw, mengubah semua aspek hidup gw. Cinta gw ma sekolah gw dan kehidupan gw pas lagi sekolah. I will be back, at least for a visit. Love you LIU!


kampus gw 125 tahun, kantor gw 150 tahun hehehehe


kampus gw chpaternya

my students

profesor advisor gw, dr rickles

profesor gw:

Long Island University Logo
Division of Social & Administrative Sciences
Master of Sciences Degree with specialization in:
Pharmacy Administration
Drug Regulatory Affairs
Professional Program:

Graduate Programs:
Social and Administrative Sciences
Faculty/Administration 718-488-1101
Name: Donna Dolinsky
Position: Professor
Office Address: B20
Phone #: 718.488.1258

Education Background
Ph.D. The University of Toledo
Toledo, OH
Educational Psychology and Research
Counseling Minor
1965M.A. Hollins College
Roanoke, VA
Experimental Psychology
1963B.S. The University of Toledo
Toledo, OH
Math Minor
Teaching Interests/Experience
I believe students learn through identifying and understanding problems and working to find solutions, using principles from within and outside their outside their academic discipline. I believe teaching is most effective when the instructional methods and materials emanate from and match ways students learn. This includes being actively engaged, creating new knowledge through using resources to find information, thinking, talking and writing about new ideas to learn them, relating new ideas to what they already know, forming structures of knowledge by showing relationships among information through and then presenting their newly created knowledge and getting feedback.
Research Interests/Current Projects
I am currently designing an instructional package for pharmacy students to learn how to create, evaluate, and use written patient education materials with patients to help them read, understand, and use the materials to improve their medication taking behavior and subsequent health.
Key Expertise
Health literacy: design interventions that have an impact on patients’ knowledge, attitude, beliefs, values, decisions, subsequent behavior to maximize their health and medication use
List of publications/ presentations (Most recent first)
Publications: Refereed Journals

Lonie JM, Dolinsky D. (2002). Enhancing metacognitive skills using written narratives: an analysis of pharmacy students’ negative health behaviors in a behavioral pharmacy class. Am J Pharm Ed, 66, (3), Fall 2002, 273-277.
Lonie JM, Thakkar B, Dolinsky, D, Mihm D. (2002). Counseling patients with low health-literacy: an educational intervention for pharmacy students. Journal of Managed Pharmaceutical Care, 1(3), April 2002, 37-46.
Lonie JM, Dhing, C, Dolinsky D, Alafris A. (2001). Social and Administrative Science faculty contributions to social and behavioral pharmacy research from 1989-1999. Am J Pharm Ed 65(2), 82-86.
Dolinsky D. (1994).Evaluating research: teaching skills of research evaluation. Am J Pharm Ed (1): 82-86.
Dolinsky D. (1993). The patient consultation mandate: Is it time for collaborative externship programs? Am J Pharm Ed 57(Winter): 429-432.
Pilkington M, Dolinsky D. (1991). Selecting alternative drug therapies. Medical Care 29(2): 152-168.
Dolinsky D. et al. (1991). Planning a social/behavioral component of a pharmacy curriculum. Am J Pharm Ed 54(4): 337-380.
Dolinsky D. (1990). Social-behavioral pharmacy in the U.S. - The state of the art. J Clin Pharm Ther 15: 155-163.
Dolinsky D. et al. (1989). Consumer attitudes towards generic drugs. J. Pharmaceutical Marking and Management 4(1):93-104.
Dolinsky D. (1989). How do the elderly make decisions about taking medications? J Soc Admin Pharm 6(3):127-37.
Fiese EF, Gorman WG, Dolinsky D. (1988). Test method for evaluation of loss of prime in metered-dose aerosols. J Pharm Sci 77(1): 90-93.
Dolinsky D, Gottleib J. (1986). Moral dilemmas in pharmacy practice. Am J Pharm Ed 50:56-59.
Dolinsky D, Lantos R. (1986). An evaluation of a continuing education workshop on empathy. Am J Pharm Ed 50:28-34.
Dolinsky D, Gross SM. (1984). Execution by Injection - should pharmacy become involved? Am J Pharm Ed 2(4):180-186.
Dolinsky D, Reid V. (1984). Types of classroom test: objective cognitive measures. Am J Pharm Ed 48:285-289.
Rosenberg JM, Dolinsky D. et al. (1984). Elderly ambulatory care patients' knowledge about drugs. Hospital Pharmacy 19(April): 289-301.
Rosenberg JM, Fuentes RJ, Kirschenbaum H.L, Dolinsky D. (1983). Evaluation of the de Haen and Drug Dex Drug Information System. Am J Hosp Pharm 40:1665-1668.
Dolinsky D. et al. (1983). Student design and evaluation of patient medication Information. Am J Pharm Ed 47(2):123-126.
Dolinsky D. et al. (1983). The application of principles of prose learning to the design of patient medication Information. Am J Hosp Pharm 40:266-271.
Dolinsky D. What is psychological pharmacy? (1982). Pharm Int 3(9):300-303.
Cutie A, Burger J, Clawans C, Dolinsky D, et al. (1981). Test for reproducibility of metered-dose aerosol values for pharmaceutical solutions. Am J Pharm Sci 70(9):1085-7.
Dolinsky D. (1979). Pharmaceutical psychology Am J Pharm Ed 43(3):261-6.
Gentry C, Dunn T, Dolinsky D, et al. (1974). For want of assessment systems, CBTE programs are lost. Performance Based Teacher Education 18(3).
Armus HL, Sniadowski-Dolinsky D. (1966). Startle decrement and secondary reinforcement stimulation. Psychonomic Sci 4:117-118.

Publications: Book ChaptersDolinsky D, Lonie JM. (2003). Sociological Implications of Pharmaceutical Care. In CH Knowlton RP Penna (Eds), Pharmaceutical Care, 2nd ed., Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists.
Dolinsky D. (1996). Behavioral Medicine. In Wertheimer AI. Smith MC. (Eds.) Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmaceutical Care. New York: Pharmaceutical Products Press.
Dolinsky D, Webb CE. (1995). The Need for Pharmaceutical Care. In CH. Knowlton, R. Penna (Eds.). Pharmaceutical Care. New York: Chapman & Hall.
Dolinsky D, Sogol E. Pharmacys' Motivation for Patient Package Inserts. (1989). In Bogaert M, Stichele RU. Kaufman J, Lefebvre R. (Eds). Patient Package Inserts as a Source of Drug Information. Amsterdam: Elsevier: 27-37.
Dolinsky D. (1989). Psychological Aspects of the Illness Experience. In Wertheimer A.I. Smith M.C. (Eds). Pharmacy Practice: Social Behavioral Aspects. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins: 127-157.
Dolinsky D. (1974). The Student in a Competency Based Program: Does He Have An Active Role? In Houston W.R. (Eds.) Exploring Competency Based Education. Berkeley: McCutchan.

Publications: Non-refereed Journals and Continuing Education Articles
Dolinsky D. (1996) Ethics in teaching in a multicultural environment. Abridged version of AACP Presentation. Ethics SIG Newsletter. Spring 1996.
Dolinsky D. (1994). Dealing with concerned patients when drug interactions receive overt media attention. In R.L. Lantos (Ed.). Coping With the Unexpected: A Pharmacologic and Psychologic Approach. Sponsored by The Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Norwalk CT: GEM Publications.
Dolinsky D. (1993). How to develop communication skills in counseling patients. Welcome Trends in Pharmacy. May.
Dolinsky D, Werner K. (1987). How to counsel the adolescent patient. Drug Topics May 4.
Posyniak M, Gross SM, Dolinsky D. (1983). How are ad appeals to pharmacists changing? Med Mkt & Media 70-82.

Publication: Manual
Dolinsky D, et al. (1980). How to Write Medication Information for Consumers. NIH, HEW, OE Bureau of Consumer Affairs Grant No. G00782191.

Publication: CaseDolinsky D, Reid VE. (1987). Psychological Aspects of Drug Use: Communication In Wertheimer A.I. and Smith M.C. (eds.) A Casebook in Social and Behavioral Pharmacy. Cincinnati: Harvey Whitney Books Inc. 153-4.
Podium and Poster Presentations
Dolinsky, D. Health Literacy – Writing Readable Test: The Movie. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Diego, CA, July 8-12, 2006.
Dolinsky D. Invited Speaker. The Role of Pharmacists in Improving the Appropriate Use of Medications. In Critical Contributions of Health Professionals to Health Literacy. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA, December 13, 2006.
Dolinsky D. Health literacy: Problems and Solutions. Invited Speaker. The University of Connecticut College of Pharmacy, Storrs, CT, December 7, 2004.
Dolinsky D. Health Literacy Problems: Solutions from the Academic Disciplines. Poster. The 13th International Pharmacy Workshop, Msida, Malta, July 22, 2004.
Dolinsky D. A Description and Presentation of an Electronically Packaged, Evidence-Based Health Literacy Curriculum: The Pfizer Project. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Salt Lake City, UT, July 10-14, 2004.
Dolinsky D. Strategies for Healthcare Providers: Assisting Low-Literate Patients. Invited Speaker. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Philadelphia, PA, March 19, 2002.
Dolinsky D. Mentoring: a Took Kit to Assist New Faculty. Invited Speaker. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Kansas City, MO, July 12, 2002.
Dolinsky D, Lonie JM, Dhing C. Assessing Patient Counseling Skills using Software to Analyze a Critical Incident Essay. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Kansas City, MO, July 13, 2002.
Dhing C, Lonie JM, Dolinsky D. Assessing Patient Counseling Skills using Different Evaluation Methods: a Triangulation Study. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Kansas City, MO, July 13, 2002.
Dolinsky, D. Numeracy as a Component of Health Literacy: What Skills do Consumers need to Make Appropriate Medication Management Decisions? Poster. The 12th International Pharmacy Workshop, Sydney, Australia, August 12-16, 2002.
Dolinsky, D. Teaching an Ethnically Diverse Student Population: Strategies for Communication and Education. Invited Speaker. Interim Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Houston, TX, March 2, 2002.
Dolinsky D, Dhing C, Lonie JM, Mihm D, Thakkar B. Counseling Patients with Low Health Literacy: An Intervention for Pharmacy Students. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Toronto, Canada, July 8-11, 2001.
Lonie JM, Dolinsky D. A Descriptive Study of Students’ Lay Representations of the Mechanisms of Patient and Pharmacist Behavior. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Diego CA, July 11, 2000.
Dhing C, Dolinsky D, Stratton T, Blumenschein K, Bultman D, Larson L, Robinson E. Teaching of Statistics and Research Methodolo;gy in Entry-Level PharmD Programs. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Diego CA, July 11, 2000.
Dolinsky D, Cicero L. The Academic Training of Regulatory Affairs Professionals. Invited Speaker. (Cicero presented). DIA National Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 14, 1999.
Dolinsky D. Scholarship in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Invited Speaker. Section of Social and Administrative Sciences. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 1999.
Dolinsky D, McManus, MF. Making Choices about Alternatives to Biomedicine: with a Discussion of what could be Translated to the Internet. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, 1998.
Dolinsky D, Brushwood D, Desselle S, Mount J, Schafermeyer K, Stratton T. Social and Administrative Sciences Instructional Modules for the Delivery of Pharmaceutical Care. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July, 1998.
Dolinsky D, McManus MF. Making Choices about Alternatives to Biomedicine: a Curriculum Guide. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July, 1997
Dolinsky D. Psychologists and Pharmaceutical Care. Invited Speaker. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Reno NV, July 18 1996.
Dolinsky D, Brown M, Rosenberg JM, Taft D. Curricular Design using a Linear Sequence of Learning Hierarchies. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Reno NV, July 18, 1996.
Dolinsky D, Reid VE. Invited Seminar Speaker. Development of BS and PharmD Curricula. College of Pharmacy. University of Tromsoe. Tromsoe, Norway January 15, 1995.

Dolinsky D, Gross SM. Questionnaires Designed to Gather Information for the ACPE Self-Study. Poster. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Philadelphia PA, July 11, 1995.
Dolinsky D. Ethics in Teaching in a Multicultural Environment. Invited Speaker. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Philadelphia PA, July 11, 1995.
Baker AM, Meyer J, Dolinsky D. Bazil MK. Digoxen: A Target for PC in the Elderly. Presentation. Annual Meeting of APhA, Orlando FL, March 19, 1995.
Fitzpatrick P, Sidhom M, Dolinsky D. Writing across the Pharmacy Curriculum: a Preliminary Feasibility Project. Presentation. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Orlando FL, March 19, 1995.

Feifer S. and Dolinsky D. An Application of Behavioral Science Knowledge and Skill to Practice in a Community Clerkship. The case of Medication Compliance Decisions. Eighth Social Pharmacy-Workshop, Berlin, June 4-8,1994. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Albuquerque NM, July 19, 1994.
Dolinsky D. The Patient Consultation Mandate: Is it time for Collaborative Externship Programs? Invited Speaker-Section of Teachers of Pharmacy Administration. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, San Diego CA, July 11, 1994.
Dolinsky D, Reid, VE. Invited Speakers – Curriculum Design in US Colleges of Pharmacy: Process and Outcome. Norwegian Postgraduate College, June 10, 1994.
Dolinsky D. Evaluating research. Honorable Mention in Innovations in Teaching Competition. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy San Diego CA, July 13, 1993.

Dolinsky D. Writing Multiple Choice Questions. Invited Speaker at the Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association Council on Pharmaceutical Education 5th Invitational Conference on Continuing Education of the Annual Meeting of the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education, Chicago, IL, April 22, 1993.
Bazil M, Dolinsky D. Choosing A Graduate Discipline In The Administrative Sciences. Invited Speaker. Eleventh Annual Rho Chi Symposium on Pharmacy Graduate Programs for Northeast Colleges of Pharmacy. North Haven CT, November 6-7, 1992.
Dolinsky D et. al. Curricular Revision Using An Outcomes Driven Approach. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 7/14/92 Washington DC., July 14, 1992 and 7th Social Pharmacy Workshop at the Royal New Bedford Holloway College, Egam Hill, Egam Surrey; England, July 26-28. 1992.
Dolinsky D. Evaluating Learning: Multiple Choice Questions. Invited Speaker at Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association Council on Pharmaceutical Education 4th Invitational Conference on Continuing Education Tampa FL, October 5, 1991.
Reutzal T, Furmoga E, Dolinsky D. Questions Patients Ask Pharmacy Students and Implications For The Curriculum. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Boston MA, July 8 1991.
Dolinsky D. Planning and Implementing A Social/Behavioral Component Of A Pharmacy Curriculum. Invited Speaker-Session: 15 Years after The Millis Report: The Status of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Salt Lake City UT, July 10, 1990.
Dolinsky D, Singh D. The Instructional Content of Behavioral Pharmacy. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Salt Lake City UT, July 10, 1990.
Grussing P, Dolinsky D et al. Self-Medication by Pharmacists. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Salt Lake City UT, July 10, 1990.
Dolinsky D. Counseling & Consultant Roles of the Pharmacist: Invited Speaker - Rx Impact 90: Considerations for an Effective Pharmaceutical Benefit. Sponsored by Lederle Laboratories. Chicago IL, June 22, 1990.
Dolinsky D. Social Pharmacy in Pharmacy Curricula. 6th Social Pharmacy Workshop, Geiranger Norway, June 3-5, 1990.
Dolinsky D. Communication between Health Professionals. Invited Speaker - Symposium on Drug Information Management for the Consultant Pharmacists. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. Palm Desert CA, May 12, 1990.
Wells D, Dolinsky D. Development Of A Model For The Enhanced Role Of The Pharmacy Consultant Pharmacist In Long Term Care Facilities For People With AIDS. Annual Meeting of American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. Chicago IL, November 9, 1989.
Dolinsky D. Pharmacy's Motivation For Patient Package Inserts. Invited Speaker - Symposium on Patient Package Inserts. Ghent Belgium, September 26, 1988.
Dolinsky D. Teaching Behavioral Pharmacy & Communications to Doctor Of Pharmacy Students. 5th Social Pharmacy Workshop. Prague, Czechoslovakia, August 29-31, 1988.
Grussing P. Dolinsky D. Development of a Battery of Clinical Performance Assessment Instruments. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Chicago IL, August 2, 1988.
Dolinsky D. How Do The Elderly Make Decisions About Taking Their Medications? Invited Speaker - Symposium on Drug Treatment in the Elderly. Sollentuna Sweden, November 3-6, 1987.
Dolinsky D. Interdisciplinary Discussion on Information Transfer in Pharmacy Schools. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Charleston SC, July 14, 1987.
Cernius L, Tronchetti M, Dolinsky D. Acceptance of Consulting By Female Pharmacists. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Chicago IL, March 30, 1987.
Dolinsky D. How The Elderly Make Decisions About Taking Medications: Process & Influence. 4th Social Pharmacy Workshop, Stockholm Sweden, September 9, 1986.
Dolinsky D, Pilkington M. Student Research in Behavioral Pharmacy Utilizing Computer Supports. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges Pharmacy, Toronto, Ontario, July 15, 1986.
Russell JC, Dolinsky D, Lee M. Admission Criteria for the Continuation Curriculum Option (External Pharm.D.) Program at the University Of Illinois at Chicago. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Toronto, Ontario, July 15, 1986.
Dolinsky D. Special Session on the AACP/Lilly Communication Skills Project. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Toronto, Ontario, July 15, 1986.
Dolinsky D, Grussing P Russell J. Moral Judgment Cognitive Personality Characteristics of Pharm.D. Students. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. San Francisco CA, July 9, 1985.
Grussing P, Dolinsky D, Russell J. Professional Attitudes of Beginning Pharm.D. Students. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. San Francisco CA, July 9, 1985.
Dolinsky D, Gottleib J. Moral Dilemmas In Pharmacy Practice. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Baltimore MD, July 30, 1984.
Dolinsky D, Gross SM. Execution By Injection - Should Pharmacy Become Involved? Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Montreal Quebec, May 7, 1984.
Perentesis GP, Piltz GW, Kirschenbaum HL ,Aronoff W, Dolinsky D. et al. Variation Of Phenytoin Suspension When Administered In A Major Medical Center. American Society of Hospital Pharmacy Mid-Year Meeting. Los Angeles CA, December 1982.
Beardsley R, Dolinsky D, Kimberlin C, Schelegel, V, Pillow W. AACP-Eli Lilly Communication Skills Curriculum Planning Guide. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Kansas City MO, June 30, 1982.
Dolinsky D. How to Influence Change in Your Practice Setting. Invited Speaker. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association , Las Vegas NV, April 24, 1982.
Dolinsky D. Current Research on Patient Package Inserts. Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association Pharmacy Committee of the Medical Care Section, Detroit MI, October 22, 1980.
Dolinsky D, Gross SM et al. The Application Of Principles Of Prose Learning To The Design Of Patient Package Inserts. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association Washington DC, April 23, 1980.
Dolinsky D. Assessment of The Development Of Clinical Skills In The Training Of Health Professionals. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association Ellensville NY Oct. 1979 the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Norfolk VA, March 6, 1980.
Dolinsky D. Seminar On Content Development Of Continuing Education Annual Meeting of the American Council on Pharmaceutical Education. Invited Speaker-Symposium. Denver CO, July 6-7, 1979.
Dolinsky D et al. Readability Of The Patient Package Insert For Oral Contraceptives. Annual Meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association, Anaheim CA, April 1979.
Dolinsky D. Physician's Assistants' Perceptions and Acceptance of the Expanding Role Of Pharmacists. Annual Meeting of the Eastern Educational Research Association, Kiawah Island SC, February 1979.
Dolinsky D. Some Experience With Patient Package Inserts. Twenty-First Annual Pharmacy Clinic College of Pharmacy University of Rhode Island Kingston RI, November 1978.
Dolinsky D. Educational Psychologists In Health Services Research And Education. Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Educational Research Association Ellenville NY, October 1978.
Dolinsky D. Changing Your Environment to Improve Your Job. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the New York State Council of Hospital Pharmacists, Monticello NY, October 1978.
Dolinsky D. Behavioral Pharmacy: Psychological Aspects. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Orlando FL, July 1978.
Dolinsky D. Videotaped Simulated Patient Medication Histories For Implementation With Large Student Groups. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Orlando FL, July 1978.
Dolinsky D, Cutie A, Jochsberger T. Competencies and Course Objectives for Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacokinetics and Behavioral Sciences. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Orlando FL, July 1978.
Gross SM, Dolinsky D. Correlates of Students Perceptions Of Professional Roles. Annual Meeting of the Annual Meeting of the American of Colleges of Pharmacy, Orlando FL, July 1978.
Dolinsky D. The Readability Level Of Patient Package Inserts. Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Association, Sturbridge MA, May 1978.
Simon AJ, Dolinsky D. Educational Priorities: A Comparison Of Expressed Priorities Among Reading Educators Practitioners And Students. Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization, Provincetown MA, May 1975.
Dolinsky D. Implementing Competency Based Teacher Education. Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Association for Teaching for Educational Psychology, Toledo OH, June 1974.
Dolinsky D. Integration of Field And University Components In A Competency Based Teacher Education Program. National Teacher Corps Washington DC, June 1974.
Dolinsky D. The Student: Does He Have An Active Role? Annual Meeting of the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association New Orleans LA, February 1973.
Dolinsky D. Teaching Models in Educational Psychology. Eightieth Annual Meeting of the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association Honolulu HI, August 1972.
Honors/Grants/ Professional Affiliations
Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences Founders Award in recognition of service and dedication to the College
Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences SALENA faculty award
Development of a Health Literacy Curriculum and Self-Instructional Module on How to Write Readable Text: 14 Solutions to 14 Problems. Pfizer Developmental Fund, $100,000, January 2003.
Development of Active Learning Teaching Strategies for a course in Behavioral and Social Aspects of Pharmacy Practice. Pew Charitable Trust Foundation. 1992/93 and 1993/94 Academic Years. Three hours release time.
Development and Validation of a Program Evaluation for External Pharm.D. Degree Students. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy - GAPS Program. April 1986 $20,383. Co-Project Director with Paul Grussing.
The Moral Development of Health Professionals. Brooklyn Center Fund for Research in Health Care Long Island University July 1983, $2000.
Dolinsky D, Gross SM. The Application of Principles of Prose Learning to the Design of Drug Package Information for Consumers. Grant NO. G00782191. HEW OE Bureau of Consumer Affairs. Oct. 978, $46742.
Professional Affiliations
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Association for Psychological Science
Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - 75 Dekalb Avenue - Brooklyn, New York. (718) 488-1004

Brooklyn Campus

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Social & Administrative Sciences
Master of Sciences Degree with specialization in:
Pharmacy Administration
Drug Regulatory Affairs
Professional Program:

Other Graduate Programs:
Social and Administrative Sciences
Faculty/Administration 718-488-1101

Name: John M. Lonie, R.Ph., Ed.D.
Position: Associate Professor
Office Address: B-12, 75 Dekalb Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone #: 718-488-1259
Education Background
Ed.D Higher and Adult Education
Teachers College, Columbia University
M.A. Psychology
The Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science,
The New School for Social Research
B.S. Pharmacy
Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences,
Long Island University
Teaching and Research Interests
I have taught entry- level pharmacy courses in Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmaceutical Care, Communications Skills in Pharmacy Practice, and Pharmacy Practice Management. The communications skills course has been my primary teaching focus for last several years. This course has been transformed into a writing intensive course where students learn course material through the writing process. In addition, it is a practical skills acquisition course where students (in laboratory) learn both basic and advanced patient counseling/communication skills through videotaped patient counseling sessions using standardized patients. In our graduate program I teach Behavioral Pharmacy and Seminar in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. My research has focused on examining how and under what conditions empathy is learned and developed in pharmacy education and practice. Research supports the fact that empathy and other caring behaviors are largely socially mediated. Therefore, my efforts thus far have focused on examining the social and psychological factors which appear to facilitate empathic learning and development in pharmacists and pharmacy students. Most recently I have been working on developing a schema which may explain how empathy is socially learned and developed in experienced community pharmacists.
In addition to exploring empathic development in pharmacists, I have also been involved in research dealing with low health literate patients. Health literacy is the ability to read, understand and act upon health related information. Low health literacy is a major problem in the United States affecting upwards of 25% of the population. Many health disparities can be reduced or eliminated if patients are screened for health literacy. Currently I am collaborating with colleagues from both LIU and Columbia University School of Medicine examining, among other factors, the effect(s) of low literacy on treatment related decision making in minority patients with advanced prostate cancer.
Key Expertise
Communication; empathy; patient counseling, social learning; health literacy
List of publications/ presentations (Most recent first)
Does a Reflective Writing Component in a Pharmacy Communication Skills Course Influence Student Communicative Learning Outcomes? A Pilot Study, Accepted for publication in Journal of Pharmacy Teaching, September 2007.

Lonie JM, “From Counting and Pouring to Caring: The Empathic Developmental Process of Community Pharmacists”, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 2(4) 2006.

Lonie JM, Alemam R, Dhing C, Mihm D, “Assessing Pharmacy Student Self-Reported Empathic Tendencies,” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 69(2) 2005.

Lonie J, Dolinsky D, Enhancing Metacognitive Skills Using Written Narratives: An Analysis of Pharmacy Student’s Negative Health Behaviors in a Behavioral Pharmacy Class,” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 66(2) 2002.

Lonie JM, Antonio LP, “Changes in Cognitive Skills in Elderly Patients with
Diabetes,” U.S. Pharmacist, March 2002.

Lonie JM, Thakkar B, Dolinsky D, and Mihm D, “Counseling Patients with Low Health- Literacy: An Educational Intervention for Pharmacy Students,” Journal of Managed Pharmaceutical Care, 1(3), Mar. 2002.

Lonie JM, Dolinsky D, Dhing C, and Alafris A, “Behavioral Pharmacy Research by Social and Administrative Science Faculty from 1989 to 1999,” American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 65 (2) 2001.
Book Chapters

Lonie, JM, Pappan J, “Behavioral Medicine” In A. Wertheimer, M. Smith and N.
Rickles (eds.), Social and Behavioral Aspects of Pharmaceutical Care, 2nd ed. In Press

Dolinsky D, Lonie J, “ Sociological Implications of Pharmaceutical Care” In C. H Knowlton and R P. Penna (eds.), Pharmaceutical Care, 2nd ed. Bethesda, MD: American Society of Health System Pharmacists, April 2003.
Lonie JM. “Pharmacy Student Self-Assessment of Professional Communication Skills Using Video Technology”, Presented at The Teaching with Technology Institute (TTI), Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York March 9, 2007
Lonie JM, “ Creating a Writing Intensive Communications Skills Course”,
Presented at a roundtable session at the 107th Meeting and Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July 2006, San Diego, CA.
Lonie J, Moretta, F, “The Initial Health Seeking Behaviors of Women with
Depression”, Presented at the 107th Meeting and Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July 2006, San Diego, CA.
Lonie J, “From Counting and Pouring to Caring: The Empathic Learning Process in Community Pharmacists”, Presented at the 106th Meeting and Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July 2005, Cincinnati, Ohio
Lonie J, Assessing Pharmacy Student Self-reported Empathic Tendencies: A
Pilot Study”, Presented at the 105th Meeting and Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July 2004, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Lonie J, “Pharmacist Development Programs: A Theoretical Approach to Continuing Professional Education, “ presented at the 103rd Meeting and Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July 15, 2002, Kansas City, Missouri.
Lonie J, Alafaris A, “Pharmacy Student Self-reported levels of Empathy and Assertiveness as a function of Instruction Using Simulated patients in a Communication Skills Laboratory,” presented at the 102nd Meeting & Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July 8, 2001, Toronto, Canada.
Lonie J, Thakkar B, “Counseling Patients with Low Health-Literacy: An Educational Intervention for Pharmacy Students”, presented at the 102nd Meeting & Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July 8,2001, Toronto, Canada.
Lonie J, Dolinsky D, “A Descriptive Analysis of Students Lay Representations of pharmacists and Patients Behaviors”, presented at the 101st Meeting & Conference of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, July 10, 2000; San Diego California.
“Research in Social & Behavioral Pharmacy: Where have we been and where are we going?” Plenary Speaker, Presented at the 11th International Social Pharmacy Conference and Workshop, Kuopio, Finland, June 14, 2000.
Honors/Grants/ Professional Affiliations


Agency/NumberTitlePeriod Total Cost
John Lonie, Ed.D (Co-Invest)
Ben Spencer M.D (PI)
Nathan Consendine, PhD (Co-PI)
Philip Wong, PhD
Supriya Mohile, MD (Co-PI)
Stephen Lepore, PhD, (Co-PI)
Afro-Caribbean Men and
Biochemical Recurrence of Prostate Cancer: The Hormonal
Therapy Decision.
2002-Current: Member, American Pharmacists Association & American Association of Colleges
of Pharmacy

Current Projects
  1. Shah BK, Lonie JM. Pharmacy Student and Faculty Perspectives on Academic Dishonesty
  2. Shah BK, Lonie JM. New York City Pharmacist Satisfaction and Turnover Intentions.
Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences - 75 Dekalb Avenue - Brooklyn, New York. (718) 488-1004

Day 1, MY trip

Flying with Citilink, first time outbond abroad with this airlines, quite an experience, okay one. Arrived at the airport, the train was bei...