Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Menyikapi sampah celotehan

There's always two sides of a story.
Setiap kali mendengar berita, info, aduan, selalu coba buat melihat dari perspektif yang berbeda. Karena kadang, bisa terlihat sangat berbeda.
Ketika mengemukakan pendapat, komentar, selalu saja sahaya takut, bukan takut salah, tapi takut belum memperhitungkan perspektif yang lain.
Tapi sering sekali kebanyakan orang langsung saja nyerocos. Apalagi kalau urusannya suka atau tidak suka.
Sejak lama, aku belajar dari salah satu guru hebat. 
Ketika kamu ga suka sama seseorang, coba duduk diam dengarkan perhatikan omongannya, coba mengerti mengapa dan kenapa dia ngomongnya demikian. Baik baik perhatikan.
Kalau kamu dapat mengerti, akan sangat efektif karena kamu tidak menghabiskan waktu, energi untuk melawan semua omongannya dari sisi yang salah. Entah perlu dilawan entah tidak perlu, engkau jadi tahu.
Ketika kamu tidak dapat mengerti, berhentilah menaruh perhatian pada hal seperti itu. 
Sangat sangat tidak efektif soalnya.
Jaman mau pilpres begini, makin banyaklah kita melihat jeroan jeroannya manusia.
Yang bela bela mati, yang pake kacamata kuda, yang picik, yang licik, yang fanatik.
Apakah saya mengerti?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Day 1

Starting a diet, again, is super difficult.
But, I need to change my way of living.
I am obesed already.
One of acupuncture doctor I knew long time ago told me, I was lucky I used to be an athlete that my body somehow survived.
She asked me to modified my lifestyle, which I dont think I understand what she was saying.
Until now.
I cant be just dieting.
I need to change my way of living.

So today,
I had a plate full of melon and papaya, and a poached egg for breakfast.
Afternoon, I had a lot of meat, some salad, and an ice cream. Well, not easy being a marketing person and you didnt eat when you entertained customers. 😁

And tonite I am wondering.... what should I eat....... 9pm now and I am freaking hungry.
Oh my.
My dear ex colleague just gave me a fruit salad mix. Should I go for it?
I guess so, ya....
To close my 1st day.
Of no rice. 😎

Monday, October 15, 2018

Dead and what remains.

15 October 2018.

Just this morning. I received a bad news regarding one of my university friend, dead.
He is my age, and now, dead.
Such a bad news, and it was not the one and only bad news I have received over last couple of weeks.
Started by my husband, telling me couple of guys at haemodialysis center, has passed away. We knew those men, and sad to hear the news.
Later, my former boss, be-dearest, was dying, when I came visit her at the hospital.
I kissed her goodbye, and told her how I do love her, and Jesus loves her.
Then later that day, she also passed away.
My thought was with my other work mate, who suffered almost similar disease with my former boss, and today also, we heard she has passed away on 5th October.
And today.

It really made me realize, how fragile our life is. How soon is our "day"? No body knows. No body knows at all.

You make educated guess, you have feelings, yet No Body Knows.

We all are just like dust. Today it is there, and the next day it is blown wherever.

What remains, stays. Sometimes neglected, sometimes appreciated - and make the dead immortal, the memory of them.

Day 1, MY trip

Flying with Citilink, first time outbond abroad with this airlines, quite an experience, okay one. Arrived at the airport, the train was bei...