Dia sibuk menceritakan cucunya. Mulai dari gambar sang cucu yg tiap bulannya kepilih jd the best picture of the month
"Cerewet" is me being talkative. Talking this, here and there, loud in silent. Unorganized, scattered, collected, me, being cerewet.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Oma oma... bangga bener ya yah si oma :)
Dia sibuk menceritakan cucunya. Mulai dari gambar sang cucu yg tiap bulannya kepilih jd the best picture of the month
Saturday, November 12, 2016
6 October 2016 - Resign
You always remember your first.
Today is my first time in my life resigning.
Well jalok time I resigned.
But for higher education and the company is about to shut down... so it was not hard at all.
But today, it was very very hard for me.
Relieved mostly.
But sad... leaving my habit.
Not necessarily my comfort zone
I wanted to obey God who told me to jump.
I am jumping now God... please make sure you remember catching me in mid of your busyness...
Because I know you told me to jump and I need to trust that there will be Your might hands cathcing me..
I cant wait to get the excitement...
I cant wait to get into the new journey...
Happier... more free... calmer and more peaceful
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Leadership learning
Dalam sales yang jelek seperti sekarang ini.
Hal luar biasa yang berhasil kutemukan untuk hausnya kukuasai dan kupelajari lagi untuk menjadi leader yg tangguh dan pribadi yang hebat,
Yaitu ketika sales jelek, ditekan, bagaimana kita untuk tetep courageous dan be kind.
Pastinya gak gamoang.
Hal yang lucu yang kupelajari dari cinderlla the movie baru2 ini di tv di hotel tempat aku nginap.
holiday inn express Surabaya.
untuk hal lainnya adalah kekompakan, stay cool kepala dingin, dan juga tidak mudah menyerah.
dan fight back.
Where is the best place to live?
It is interesting to see that my kind of "best place" to live is different within the phase in my life...
Iwas born in Palembang, Sumatera Island, in Indonesia.
Growing up in Bontang, East Kalimantan, Kalimantan Island, Indonesia.
Going for university in Capital of Indonesia, Jakarta.
Worked there a year and moved to new york city for almost 3 years.
A very good experience in life, living in new york.
Changed my perspective a lot.
A lot if I can say.
About life, about people, about everything.
Shaped me up real big, real big.
Going back to Jakarta, lived in Jakarta and one time in my life, I was moved by the company to Singapore and stayed there for a year.
A very good experience.
However, it didnt changed much of my perspective in life.
However changed my perspective on singaporean, a lot.
I like semarang a lot. I dont know why. For me that city is special.
Bandung, too crowded now, but used to be one of my fave city.
If you asked me, which place in the world you think is the best place to live?
It really depends, and currently if you asked me now, I think Jakarta is.
Monday, May 2, 2016
Nefsong parents - 30 april 2016
Nefsong parents.
That is my created nick name for parents at my daughter's school, who are very agressive in competitiveness.
I dont know what they missed in their time in the past which cause them to act like that.
You know, ones who do not stay or form a queue line. All feels like would be beaten by others and their kids would miss the opportunity.
Ones who keep asking question to the instructor on how they are doi g if it is okay or not... during a parent child workshop in the middle of instructor explaining to the whole group on tje steps.
Parents who take over their supposedly called work of parent child pair, to finish the work successfully. There are ones who didnt even let the son or daughter to touch it from beginning hahahaha..
Parents who are in the science competition bringing the whole meth lab to the room, while their child starring blank at their supposedly called tandem presentation.
Parents who proudly with big smile walking out of school building with more than 1 throphy, and holding it high...
Parents who stand and sit in front of kids and other parents just so theu could take picture of their children performance
It really does make me wonder. Am i one of them?
30 april 2016 science competition
Science competition
Hai hai hai hai.. I have a story.. :p and I have to share it on facebook!
Read this carefully Irene Simanjuntak.. and try to be in my shoes!!!
Today was science day at my daughter school.
We had decided (i and she) that we would join science and pancake decorating competition.
After a long hot crowded with too many nefsong parents, I was quite exhausted and arrived at room for science competition.
"Okay miss i'd like to re-register theresia"
The teacher replied "Oh.. ya mom.. theresia victoria right?
And the she looked at my empty hand.
"Maam... you do know that you have to bring your own experiment tools right?
"Ah..... seriously?
"Yes maam... we already informed parents with the green sheet in her com book..... etc etc..." she was defensive hahahahaha
I was just starring at her blank.
"So maam... since you obviously not ready... can i consider theresia to withdraw from this competition?"
I dont know which part pushed my button.
The fact that I missed my daughter "green sheet" info
The sound of my daughter name has to withdraw
The word science.
"No... sorry miss.. noo.. we will still doing it. I am a scientist, i will figure it out!"
And my brain was pushed hard to think of any simple science in everyday life which cool. Think... think... think....
Got it. Solution. Chemistry!
I rushed myself to the nearest mart and got cups... sugar... water... and plastic spoon.
The concept was simple. But to pull my daugther into it was not easy.
Solute and solvent. What are the factors that make the solute dissolve faster?
2 of factors are temperature and stirring.
Im sure you understand what I was saying...
Long story short.... I was shocked to see competitors before me....
One brought this fancy test tubes and its rack.
Mortyr and all kind of lime and lemon and purple vegetables that they looked like they were creating different kind of elixir and cough syrup man!!!
The other one (we were the last candidate of course) brought in fancy science experiment test bought at the science counter, and I saw they played with creting liquid gas!!!
Another one brought big baker glass out of room with high smirk!!!!
When we got in. I was nervous! Of course the juries... two smart looking lady (scientist... not teachers)... understand right away when i started by saying... today theresia is going to show a simple chemistry experiment of.. solution.
Solvent is water.
Solute is sugar.
And we want to show how 2 factors affecting... ... ... .... it didny went as well as i expected.
The juries helped me to get thwresia inolve in the experiment... i was almost throw white flags to the air, man....
At the end...it was a.mixed feeling. I know we can do better next time. But somehow... i was happy. We didnt give up so easily. And I am happy that deep inside me, a scientist that i used to know still live. :p
Day 1, MY trip
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