Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Managing out

"Maam, it's done.
He will be transferred to x dept by 1st of March."

Somehow.... deep inside me, I feel sad.
I dont understand at first and need to digest it and describe how actually I feel.

I should feel relieved, right? Managing a person out of my department and have him transferred properly.

But, how come I dont feel so good about it.
I didnt feel good when we have to issue 3rd warning letter, even the idea of warning letter make me nausea.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Me 3 years ago.

Found this on my facebook posting 14 feb 2014.

My leadership coach asked me the other day : joice, tell me, what had happened to you? You have inner peace. You are very much different from the last time we met. That maturity usually gained in some ten years. Tell me, because it must be tremendous, that you have changed,i tested you with scenarios and surprised to hear your responses. Tell me, what had happened? Silently inside my heart, Me: God have taught me lessons. So much, that i could not possible  not to change :) - happy that someone recognized.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Pilgub rasa pilpres2

Pilgub rasa pilpres.
Ck ck ck.......
Bangsa gw pengen perang.
Pernah liat perang di luaran sana?
Kebanyakan karena perang saudara.... lalu mulai lah terjadi intervensi org luar. Lama2 jadi perang besar.
Stop it!
Kita terlalu besar dan harusnya sudah cukup dewasa untuk tidak gampang diprovokasi!!!!

Pilgub rasa pilpres 1

Liani bercerita:
Temenku bilang "pilgub rasa pilpres" ya di Jakarta...
Aku pun jadi tersenyum...
Enak sekali kalau bicara sama orang netral...
Membahas lah kita tentang bu Risma yg kesohor itu... aku bilang
"Nanti kalau pilgub di jawa timur, aku demo mendukung bolehin risma walaupun wanita, ke surabaya..... gimanah... boleh yaaa.....?"
Langsung lah kita ngakak dan disamber temenku.. "apa urusanmu bu ikut2 demo ke surabaya?????"
Karena gender saya perlu dibela, kalau ada pelecehan terhadapnya!

Day 1, MY trip

Flying with Citilink, first time outbond abroad with this airlines, quite an experience, okay one. Arrived at the airport, the train was bei...