Tuesday, September 25, 2012

my pregnancy, my kind of 'morning sickness' - previously published in FB

by Joice Simanjuntak on Wednesday, March 4, 2009 at 5:32pm

my pregnancy, my kind of 'morning sickness'

Hehehe.. I dont really have the nausea ones,
but I do have the TIREDNESS, headaches, and did I mention tiredness??
Sometimes itchy around my stomach is now starting to raise..
Acne everywhere around face and neck, and i feel my skin and hair become so oily.
And everytime I take the supplement, Elevit, I experienced constipation, making me so hesitant to take it everyday..
What bugs me most is tiredness and headaches.
I am so easily tired and get to sleep quick.
When headaches comes sometimes i got so pissed because I cant do anything to make it go away. Usually, i just put myself to rest, well you cant rest at work right? So, making myself a cup of tea is the best thing i can do.
well well... Amazing what 2 months brought differences to you, eh?

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