Friday, June 7, 2013

shades mania

Gw cukup heran dengan si my little queen.
Sejak dia kenal sama yang namanya kacamata, dia suka banget ngambilin kacamata untuk dia coba pake. Lucu sih keliatannya, sampai sampai akhirnya gw mutusin beliin dia kacamata item beneran supaya dia bisa pake sendiri.Anehnya dia jauh lebih betah pake punyanya orang dewasa dibandingkan make punyanya sendiri hehehehe...

Here are some actions of her with different types of glasses :)

She likes wearing glasses, and funny thing is when she's wearing glasses, she often raises her nose in order to avoid the glasses sliding down which of course it's all only in her "thought" hahaha, that's why her face looks cuter when wearing glasses...

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